Pass The Pad visits…the Xbox One Tour

Here at Pass the Pad we hope from time to time to be able to hit the road and visit certain gaming conventions or just all meet up and do something vaguely gaming related and then bring the results to you, whether you want it or not.

That being the case, Pass the Pad have managed to get our hands on a couple of tickets to the Xbox One Tour event in Shoreditch tomorrow, so Dave and Rob will be heading down to check it out and try to blend in with the crowd.

You can follow us during the day on Twitter (here and @passthepadgames) where we’ll be giving our reaction to the games we get to play and hopefully a video of Rob playing Kinect Sports Rivals and Dave crashing repeatedly in Forza 5.

A new pad to be passed

A new pad to be passed

Then next week we’ll post a more thorough follow-up to the event, along with our future plans for the next-gen Xbox – somehow there’s less than 3 weeks to go until it launches!

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