Welcome to Pass the Pad Games

This introduction post could well have been the size of a small book if we had decided to regale you with our future hopes and dreams for this here little blog. Fortunately for you, and our fingers, it won’t be.

“But, why?” I hear the one reader of this post (thanks, Mum!) ask. It’s because here at Pass the Pad (this may well be abbreviated to PtP when we feel lazy, which is likely to be most of the time), we don’t pretend to be either –

a) Fantastic writers (we’d be delighted to be called competent) or

b) Fantastic gamers (we’d be amazed to be called competent).

In short, this is a blog about video games by a group of people who enjoy playing them when they have the time but make absolutely no promises about being any good at either playing them or writing about them. And if that hasn’t sold the blog to you, it’s because we clearly also aren’t very good at marketing our product either.

Over the course of the next few weeks you will see articles on a range of themes from the new Xbox One, Football Manager, GTA V, Minecraft, Plants vs Zombies, The Walking Dead and a weekly series on nostalgic childhood games such as Sid Meier’s “Pirates!”. The regular pieces will be introduced and explained in more detail in their own individual posts, so for now, please feel free to head on over to the “About” page where you can read about our motley crew, and then perhaps read the first instalment of the Nostalgic Games series here.

Hopefully you’ll stick around!

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